Our Services

At Steelform Engineering we offer a host of specialised fabrication services.

Our Services Include:

Brake Pressing Melbourne

Steelform Engineering can brake press your material or can profile cut, guillotine cut the required steel plate
components and form ready for fabrication.

Hole punching, shearing and drilling Melbourne

Steelform Engineering has hydraulic punching,shearing,notching,angle iron cutting equipment for use in its
fabrication processes, we also have horizontal bandsaws,brobo saw cutting machines with various capacities,
magnetic base & radial arm drilling is also available.

Wash Grinding Melbourne

Steelform offers wash grinding up to a diameter of 1830mm , profile cut steel components can be wash ground
back to clean up or to your specified thickness with tolerance of +/- .1 of a mm.

Melbourne Guilontining

Steelform Engineering can guillotine cut steel plate up to a thickness of 12 mm, we can supply and cut or cut
your material to the specifications required.